Our Charter Buses in Long Island are the best form of transportation for you group plush coach bus seating outlets at every seat perfect for your trip to MetLife stadium coach bus pick ups in New York State, New Jersey and Connecticut
DVD Player
Stereo System
Lavatory with flush restroom
Charging outlets
56 comfortable seats
From our professional and friendly drivers who receive regular assessments and training to our in-house technicians who are skilled in industry best practices, every one here at Tri-State Coach rigorously complies with guidance from local and federal regulatory authorities as well as our industry associations We are Prevost trained Techs.
We thoroughly clean and disinfect before and after each use as follows:
Remove debris from the seats, furnishings, and floor
Spot disinfect high touch points such as:
Entrance area handrails
Parcel rack handles
Door latch handles
Window release bars
Passenger seat headrests,armrests, seat belts and seat accessories
All bathroom surfacesAll driver area surfaces
All driver area surfaces
We optimize the onboard air quality as follows:
We use filters rated MERV 7 or higher (removes respiratory droplets)
We provide hand sanitizer
We require face covering for our drivers and provide + encourage them for our passengers
We strictly implore our passengers to not travel if sick or feeling unwell
Additionally, we actively invest in intensified cleaning and protection to help ensure a sanitary environment.